Keeping it Real

2020: The Year of Hindsight

Happy New Year! The first day of a new calendar year is a natural time to look back and re-examine our way of doing things, especially when we can learn something from doing so.

Look Behind For Help

They say that “hindsight is 20/20”, meaning that we get the clearest picture of any situation when it’s in the past and we can look at the results of any choices we made. While we can’t go back in time and change things, we can always do the next best thing – LEARN from it.

I’m all about making mistakes. That’s the best way to learn, the best way to improve. If we’re not prepared to learn from our mistakes, there’s no point in looking back. Some people like to look back and celebrate when they were “right”, when they “won”. That’s always reassuring, but it doesn’t help us to learn anything, and it often contributes to damaged relationships when being “right” is the only result we’re after.

Make Even Better Mistakes

If there’s anything I’m after in 2020, it’s to learn from last year’s mistakes, stop making the same ones, and make even better ones this year, because that will maximize my learning opportunities.

It’s a really good thing I’m not a surgeon, with that attitude.

So, Happy New Year, and Happy New Learning Opportunities!

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